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Title Search: is a search of the public records of a county, city or town where a specified piece of real property is located, reporting any documents recorded in the public records concerning that piece of property.


Current Owner Search: A title search confined to the present title holder of specified property or last deed for consideration. Report includes Deed Information, Open Mortgages, Involuntary Liens, Real Estate Tax Information including Assessed Valuation, Special Assessments, Judgments, etc. Photocopies of documents provided per client request.


Two Owner Search: A title search confined to the current owner and the previous title holder of the property. Report includes Deed Information, Open Mortgages, Involuntary Liens, Real Estate Tax Information including Assessed Valuation, Special Assessments, Judgments, etc. Photocopies of documents provided per client request.


Three Owner Search: A title search confined to the current owner and the two previous title holders of the property. Report includes Deed Information, Open Mortgages, Involuntary Liens, Real Estate Tax Information including Assessed Valuation, Special Assessments, Judgments, etc. Photocopies of documents provided per client request.


40 Year Search: A title search confined to 40 years on all title holders of the property during that time period. Report includes Deed Information, Open Mortgages, Involuntary Liens, Real Estate Tax Information including Assessed Valuation, Special Assessments, Judgments, etc. Photocopies of documents provided per client request.


Continuation: A search of specified property from date of last search forward reporting any new filings or activity on property.


Full Title Search: A complete title search of specified property reporting everything found going back 60 years. Report includes Deed Information, Open Mortgages, Involuntary Liens, Real Estate Tax Information including Assessed Valuation, Special Assessments, Judgments, etc. Photocopies of documents provided per client request.

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